Monday, January 16, 2012

Yay for Trees

Trees are something that I really enjoy including in my artwork.  I have drawn trees since I was in high school but I never really pursued the idea of making trees until I was in college.  Now it is one of my favorite subjects.  I think the thing that really spurred me to use more tree imagery in my artwork was when my great grandma passed away.  I went down after the funeral and in her back yard there was this peach tree, it was so overloaded with peaches that the branches had broken from the weight.  It was just amazing to me that the peaches where still growing on these broken branches.   Also that the tree had grown so many peaches that it could not not withstand the weight of what it had created.  Just thought it was neat, anyway here is some of my tree artwork.
My Tree Mug

Everyone has roots.  Ceramic Roots & real branches.

Tree Trunk is ceramic branches are real.

Tree Cups that match up.

This has a steel bar in the center and real pieces of a log stacked on it.  The neat thing about using real wood in sculptures is that it is always changing.


  1. These are all beautiful! My favorite thing to photograph is trees with no leaves. This is Brenda by the way =)

  2. Thank you! I enjoy making them, I love the look of empty trees in artwork and photos.
